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MiddleEast Diary 2020

Posted on Feb 20, 2020 in: Travel Blog

The year 2019 was almost empty, with no rides, no backpacks and not travel due to my accident. A long period of bed rest and I was not allowed and not able to go out as it was major leg injury. I was counting down the days for official confirmation of Doctor. A year full of boring ...

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Crawlling over the WesternGhats

Posted on Dec 31, 2019 in: Picture blog

Child labour, an indelible stain on mankind to this day. Despite the fact that I have not done any project or assignment on this topic yet but the curiosity has definitely been within. And that curiosity grew with travel experiences. One fine day, I decided to take up a self-assignment on child labor. During my travels across the world...

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Child labour, an indelible stain on mankind to this day. Despite the fact that I have not done any project or assignment on this topic yet but the curiosity has definitely been within. And that curiosity grew with travel experiences. One fine day, I decided to take up a self-assignment on child labor. During my travels across the world...

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